Author: geekman2

I contemplate things most people take for granted, my mind is always active, analyzing. Though for all intents and purposes I do not exist, I will give credit where credit is due to Jessica Fernstrom for encouraging me to start this blog, and who's contributions as a "normal person" proofreader are invaluable

But Light Shines Stronger (Part 2 of 2)

Though darkness reigns And lost I wander I will stay strong I will not falter Fear has no power Any longer For I know That light shines stronger   Light that drives away the dark And wakens courage In my heart Now for death Fear … Continue reading But Light Shines Stronger (Part 2 of 2)


Did you know that once information is created it very rarely is actually destroyed, most of the time it is simply lost and becomes too much effort for someone to find. This applies to all manner of things, pictures on your phone, documents on your hard drive, and music on your iPod. Something else you may not know is that the more places that information has been, the harder it is to destroy. You have likely seen this at work, a rumor (true or not) starts, the more people hear it, the more out of control it gets, until it becomes impossible to contradict.

Now it is well known that our generation loves to share, they would make excellent preschoolers. They share everything that happens to them, even if nobody cares. One teenager posts, “I had Lucky Charms for breakfast”, another says “Yeah! Got 5th place in the sock tying competition!” everybody ignores them because nobody actually cares about sock tying, much less the person who got 5th place. Yet our generation continues to share these things in order to validate their existence.

The only thing that makes information harder to control than distribution is when you are not the one who obtained it. If you snuck out to a party last night, but your parents don’t know then its fairly simple to keep them from finding out, simply don’t tell them. But if your brother saw you sneaking out then it suddenly becomes much more complicated, you can’t delete the information from his brain, so you simply have to talk him into not saying anything, which often puts you in a prime position for him to blackmail you into doing whatever he wants.

But our generation have put themselves in a far worse situation, without even realizing it. They have given thousands of pieces of personal data to companies that they know nothing about, without even a second thought. When told that constantly publishing their location, either by broadcasting where they are or by encoding GPS coordinates into pictures (seriously)  people simply say “So? What does it matter if people know where I am? It’s not like I’m doing anything wrong or interesting.”

The above example is quite a good one, by only knowing where


Theophilus Gives A Speech

Romanian Baptist Youth of Portland

by J. Budziszewski

Madame Procurator, members of the Pontius Pilate Society of Post-Everything State University: I’m honored to have been invited to speak to such a distinguished student organization.

Looking up, I see that you’ve placed my podium beneath a banner bearing your motto, Governor Pilate’s famous query, “What is truth?” It was a great question. I hope you will not be angry with me if I say that he did himself no credit by asking it. Not everyone who asks “What is truth?” wants to know the answer. Governor Pilate asked the question not to begin a conversation, but to end one. Perhaps he thought that it had no answer. It was the last sentence he addressed to his prisoner, Jesus of Nazareth, before walking out to the waiting crowd.

I propose not to end a conversation, but to begin one. That requires several things. One is that we…

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Do You Agree?

Here is a view of society that I found interesting:

What is the working class?

The working class is that class in society which lives entirely from the sale of its labor and does not draw profit from any kind of capital; whose weal and woe, whose life and death, whose sole existence depends on the demand for labor – hence, on the changing state of business, on the vagaries of unbridled competition.

The working class, then, has not always existed?

No. There have always been poor and working classes; and the working class have mostly been poor. But there have not always been workers and poor people living under conditions as they are today; any more than there has always been free unbridled competitions.

How did the working class originate?

The Working class originated in the industrial revolution, which took place in England in the last half of the last (18th) century, and which has since then been repeated in all the civilized countries of the world.

This industrial revolution was precipitated by the discovery



Worship is our humbling of ourselves before God, the acknowledgment that we are less than him. No matter how great, how dignified, how manly you are; no matter what image you’re trying to maintain, or where you’re trying to get, worship isn’t about that. David was the King of Israel, a great warrior who has slain “tens of thousands”2 in battle, and yet he humbled himself and praised God, saying

And I’ll become even more undignified than this!1

When his wife told him that his actions did not fit his rank. When we worship we forsake our pride and forget the problems of this world as we lift our voices to our savior, it doesn’t matter if we look ridiculous or sound awful to those around us. Worship isn’t about how we look or sound in this temporary world that will soon pass away, but rather how we are seen by our eternal creator.

For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels 2

We do not live for ourselves, but for God. Jesus himself issued the command to

Go into all the world and preach the good news

We did not receive this free gift of salvation to keep it to ourselves, it should be shared, it should be shouted from the mountaintops, sung out in a loud voice! If you and everyone you knew were all condemned to die, and you had found a way to be pardoned, would you not be overflowing with joy?  Would you not go to every person around you declaring this good news?

That is why we sing worship, because just like all other arts and music, worship is an expression of emotion as it pours out of those who make it. We sing because the joy of salvation overwhelms us, we sing because we are awed by the awesome power of our creator, we sing because we have come to know God and cannot help but to praise his great nature


Dignity is another interesting idea, you’ve undoubtedly heard of it, you probably even have a vague idea of what it means, but you’ve probably never really taken the time to think about it and what it means, that’s what I’m for. Dignity is an idea, it does not exist by itself, nor is it naturally occurring, dignity could be called a product of pride, which is in turn a product of human nature.

Many people try to preserve their dignity, and put preservation of their dignity at a high priority. But what is dignity really? If you really think about it dignity is no more than image, if you lose your dignity you lose the good image that other perceive you with. Dignity is really just a product of pride, our pride causes us not to want to be embarrassed in front of others, dignity is the idea of maintaining a attractive outward appearance to all those we come in contact with.

Dignity is a double edged sword, unlike its parent, pride, dignity is not absolutely bad, someone with no dignity is someone who is difficult to take seriously or trust, but someone who puts too much stock in their dignity is someone who is absorbed in self interest. There is nothing wrong with maintaining dignity, but there are things that are more important, and the key is to recognize these.

Things that are more important than dignity are things like life and love, if you must sacrifice your dignity to save a life than there is only one clear choice, if you decide that your dignity is more important than the life of another human being, there are few people who would disagree that you yourself do not deserve to live.

But even greater is love, love is worth losing dignity for, be it momentarily or permanently, for is not love the only thing that separates us from the beasts?